The Force for Good: The Power of Simultaneity: Creating New Possibilities

The Force for Good:
The Power of Simultaneity: Creating New Possibilities

Gary Hubbell, a consultant, discusses his work with non-profit organizations and the importance of simplifying complexity, unifying teams, and embracing transformative change. He highlights the concept of simultaneity, which is one of the principles of appreciative inquiry, and how it brings about new

The Force for Good – A Journey of Mental Health Advocacy with Zak Williams

The Force for Good: A Journey of Mental Health Advocacy with Zak Williams

Zak Williams, mental health advocate and founder of PYM (Prepare Your Mind), shares his personal journey and the importance of mental health awareness and support. He discusses his own struggles with anxiety, depression, and obsessive-compulsive thoughts, as well as the impact of his

The Force for Good: The Power of Partnerships

The Force for Good: Episode 2 explores the work of the Miller-Dwan Foundation in the field of mental health, specifically the collaboration with Dr. Brandon Kohrt and Dr. Adam Brown on the implementation of Problem Management Plus (PM+) in New York City. The conversation covers the background of the project, the scalability of mental health interventions,

Here we go!

Here we go – my first time writing a blog and it’s about something incredibly cool and transformational!! First a little background: At age 61, I changed jobs from Essentia Health, where I had worked for 25 years, to The Miller-Dwan Foundation, where I have now been for nearly a year! I am a Child/Adolescent Licensed Psychologist by training and

LiveWell! Northern WI – #BetterTogether

Check out this all-new website Whether you’d like to create an activity or join one, the LiveWell Northern WI’s #BetterTogether activity calendar is your chance. #BetterTogether activities are mini activities that allow people to spend time together in a way that inspires joy and wellness and builds connection. The goal is to have an activity scheduled most days of

Buy the Pants

Can Mental Health Care be as Easy as Buying a Pair of Pants? What if you could go to your favorite store and click on the mental health care package of your choice. Let’s say you’ve been feeling depressed for the last two months. Thinking about all the ways you’ve screwed up your life. Let’s say, your favorite mental health

Saving the Esthers of the World

Esther died alone, in a motel room. It was a cold, murky morning. The hotel was small and cheap and located just off the freeway. It was only a few miles from home. Esther had a home, you see. The same home she grew up in with both of her parents and her brothers and sisters and always, the family

2021 Year in Review

Here we are! 2021 is coming to a close and as we reflect on the past year, we are grateful, and in awe, of all that has happened. It’s been a wild ride and we are thankful that you’ve been by our side. Take a look back at some highlights from 2021. February Webinar Series The Miller-Dwan Foundation started a

Cannabis and the Effects on Teens

Cannabis has been legalized in 18 states. Another 13 have decriminalized it. In Minnesota, it is illegal for recreational use, but decriminalized for possession of 42.5 grams or less. We’ll talk more about what that amount may mean. In Wisconsin, cannabis is also illegal for recreational use, but there’s a strong push to legalize it. “prohibition has not worked when

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