Iron River, Michigan is known for its vast forest land, scenic lakes and winter sports. It is not, however, known for its mammograms. Until now.
Three-dimensional mammograms have been approved for use since 2011, but in 2018, despite studies that have found that 3-D mammograms find more cancers than traditional 2-D mammograms, the clinic in Iron River had yet to own one.
“It just isn’t right that rural women should somehow receive lesser care than those living in larger, more affluent areas,” said Joan Oswald Miller-Dwan Foundation’s grants specialist. So, with a $20,000 grant from the foundation coupled with support from a wide variety of other funders, 3-D mammography, the very best in state-of-the-art care, became a reality in the western UP of Michigan. The result is earlier detection and better outcomes.
At the same time, 150 miles away in Iron River, Wisconsin, a $39,379 Miller-Dwan Foundation grant was filling an entirely different need. North Lake Community Clinic in Iron River, Wisconsin draws from very rural communities where poverty levels vary from 20 – 30 percent. Travel, especially in winter, can be difficult, and the multiple appointments required for optimal care can be time-consuming and costly
. But a new lending closet, complete with all kinds of therapeutic equipment is now allowing children who have autism, speech and sensory disorders, learning problems and other complex challenges, to borrow equipment to help them continue their treatment right in their very own homes. Care can start at younger and younger ages and be more consistent making outcomes better.
For a small funder, the Miller-Dwan Foundation covers a lot of ground. It’s just part of what makes us proud of what we do.
Click here to see the projects we have funded in the past.