The Force for Good:
The Power of Simultaneity: Creating New Possibilities

Gary Hubbell, a consultant, discusses his work with non-profit organizations and the importance of simplifying complexity, unifying teams, and embracing transformative change. He highlights the concept of simultaneity, which is one of the principles of appreciative inquiry, and how it brings about new possibilities. 

Hubbell shares his experience working with the Miller-Dwan Foundation and their approach to strategic planning, which involved engaging key stakeholders and imagining plausible alternative futures. He emphasizes the importance of community involvement and the foundation’s commitment to being bolder, acting bigger, and adapting better. 

The conversation also touches on the foundation’s initiatives, such as HOPEX and PM Plus, and their impact on both the local and global level.

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Stay connected to Miller-Dwan Foundation

Together we will realize our shared vision of a community free from mental health crisis.