Making an Impact

Thanks to the generosity of our donors, we are meeting escalating needs and opening up the conversation around mental health.

The force for good in action

childhoods positively impacted by the care received at Amberwing since opening in 2012
0 +
meaningful improvement in the mental health of those served by Amberwing since opening
0 %
mental health events held for our entire community in 2022

Together—we can create a culture of caring that amplifies help-seeking and help-giving.

Grace's Story
When Grace’s anxiety became too big to wrap her arms around, she turned to Amberwing – Center for Youth & Family Well-Being. There, she learned the skills to breathe through difficult moments while feeling validated and supported along the way.
Eliot's Story
A travel and outdoors enthusiast in his 70s, Eliot had no plans to slow down or cut back on his daily three-mile hikes. Then, a Parkinsonism diagnosis changed everything.
Wayne's Story
COVID-19 knocked Wayne down, hard and fast. Over the next 3 months, he slowly got back up with the steady help of a dedicated team of rehabilitation specialists who were learning, like the rest of the world, how to adjust during a pandemic.
Chelsea's Story
Getting kids in speech therapy to open up and engage isn’t always easy. But having a cheery black Lab retriever there to greet them and learn alongside them can help. Speech-language pathologist Chelsea Sorvik and Humble the dog work together to bring out the best in kids.
Shari's Story
When it comes to traumatic burn injuries—the kind caused by extreme heat and cold, chemicals, electricity and more—the right care can make a life-or-death difference.
Esther's Story
Esther died alone, in a motel room. It was a cold, murky morning. The hotel was small and cheap and located just off the freeway.
Kale's Story
When your world is changing fast, both inside and around you, it helps to have the right people and skills to lean on. Kale Pierson and his family found that at just the right time.
Jack & Nova's Story
When Nova enters a room, people light up at the sight of the 120-pound black Newfoundland dog. As an animal therapist, she needn’t say anything. Her mere presence has a calming effect.
Abby's Story
Emotional pain from the past can splash into life and relationships without warning. To brace those waves, the Fermenich family tunes into faith, humor and the tools they learned from Amberwing – Center for Youth & Family Well-Being.
Alina's Story
Alina Beer cared for her husband for seven years. Married 15 years, the cancer diagnosis was a devastating blow.

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Corporate Giving

Sponsor one of our signature events, fund a specific care program or consider setting up a matching fund donation.

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Together we will realize our shared vision of a community free from mental health crisis.